In light of International Women's Day, the exhibition "From Evin, With Love" will open on March 9, 2018 in The Hague, Netherlands, presenting the handicrafts of Imprisoned Iranian women activists. The exhibition will run through April 6, 2018 and will feature a number of prominent Iranian and foreign speakers as well as a performance by Nasrin Hobby & Ensemble.

The exhibition presents the handicrafts of imprisoned Iranian women activists from the Evin prison in Tehran.
You are invited to attend the opening of the exhibition ‘From Evin, With Love’ on Friday, 9 March in the Humanity House. The exhibition presents the handicrafts of imprisoned Iranian women activists from the Evin prison in Tehran.
From Evin, With Love presents the handicrafts of imprisoned Iranian women activists from the Evin prison. These women are former human rights activists, lawyers, cartoonists, students, local politicians, but also regular citizens and mothers fighting for their rights. For this reason they have been imprisoned by the Iranian authorities. In the exhibition you see all kinds of random objects such as dolls, birds, sequined purses, patchwork mats and embroidered tablecloths. The women made these works during their imprisonment, expressing their clear desire for freedom.
Halleh Ghorashi - This exhibition is the first stage of the Iranian women’s museum project, which showcases handicrafts made by women inmates (prisoners of conscience) in Evin Prison. The stories and imaginaries connected to these handicrafts make them much more than just objects.
Marga Martens – One might wonder what are pure and goodly deeds and what is commendable and seemly conduct? Sacrificing your freedom for spiritual concepts seems to me a pure and goodly deed.
Mona Holm - It is a tremendous pleasure for me to be here with you at the Humanity House in Den Haag, today, the 9th of March 2018, and see the fruits of years of hard and dedicated work. What we are part of just now is a truly remarkable event. This is an inauguration we have been hoping for and longing for, during years, but have not quite been able to understand how could be realized.
Parastou Forouhar - The opening of the exhibition we have gathered here to see is a beautiful small step toward a greater hope and idea – a museum that represents the women’s movement in Iran.
Evin Prison is situated at the foot of the Alborz mountains in Tehran. The prison officially began operations in 1961 as a detention center for people awaiting trial. However, under the Islamic Republic, political prisoners served their entire sentences in the prison.